About six or seven repeat performances. All excellent. On one series, my Cube kept eating 80-Gig Maxtor IDE hard drives. They took back and exchanged two before discontinuing carrying the drive, and after the third return, they just cut me a refund for the amount I had paid without prodding on my part. Then, i ordered a Seagate Barracuda from them (no problems). I have also bought CD-R drive, Compact Flash memory and a few other things (I cannot recall details--oh, yes, one being a Radeon 8500DV video card for my PC so that I could hook it up to my Apple 22" Cinema display), and all impeccable performance on their part. But, they are basically an OEM supplier; no advice or service; you have to know what you want ahead of time. --Steve At 8:43 PM +0100 2/2/03, Richard Clark wrote: >anybody had any experience buying from new egg.com?