A few months back I was in a hurry to catch a train and wanted to check my email before I left. I'd just cranked up a nice caffe latte and sat down... when suddenly I hit the latte glass and place the whole latte into my keyboard! 10 minutes before the cab would pick me up and no time for a complete cleaning - Arghhh! I disconnected the keyboard immediately and went to the shower! Warm water and and high pressure and I did shower the keyboard clean. :) Afterwards I didn't know how to dry it so I just placed it on my floor (got floor heating) and off I went to catch my cab! came back a week later and plugged it back in... cleaner then ever - no stinking of old milk what so ever! Petter -the iconoclasts, the creative thinkers, the folks who can't relate to beige. Lacorona at aol.com is in da house! >anybody take apart their cube keyboard to clean out the crumbs of dust in it? >Any idea about how to get it apart? tiny Screwdriver does not work. It >doesn't catch on anything to turn the screws. >thanks >Kub