[CUBE] DVR-105 $149 at Staples.com

Patrick McNamara pmcnamara at mac.com
Sun Feb 16 14:44:16 PST 2003

You could use power in an external box... but I have so many things 
plugged into power strips I didn't want to add one more. I also seem to 
recall somewhere (cubeowner forums?) that someone said there were 
"issues" with using external power... whatever that means.

I believe the Cube only supports two ATA devices (master/slave), so no, 
you couldn't use a ribbon with an extra connector to allow use of the 
internal DVD.

I'd be curious to know if others have done this hack with complete 
success... after reading about it at cubeowner.com, I decided to try it 
myself. I've gotten the Cendyne recognized by the System Profiler, I've 
burned a CD-R, I've managed to install iDVD3 and create a project... 
but when trying to burn a project, it constantly gets hung up on Step 4 
of the process, and after a forced quit, the drive is not recognized 
until a restart is done.

Patrick McNamara
On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 05:03  PM, Cube List wrote:

> Actually, couldn't you use power off the external box you put the=20
> burner in and only run the IDE cable through? Also, anyone try using 
> an=20=
> IDE ribbon, so that you can still use the internal DVD in the Cube? 
> Do=20=
> you have to set the burner to slave then?

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