On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 05:24 PM, chrisnelson at mac.com wrote: > Unfortunately, the Cube is suffering from abysmal transfer rates. > Where the iBook is transferring data from the internet at about 1.6 MB > megabits/sec, the Cube is only getting transfer rates of a few hundred > kilobits per second- not that much faster than a modem! Make sure you have the latest AirPort software. The make the antenna is fully clicked into the connector on the Cube's card are my only suggestions. Try transferring computer (Cube) to computer (iBook) w/o the Linksys and see if you still get a poorer rate on the Cube. > My cube is well out of warranty. Am I correct in assuming that Apple > won't help me without charging me for the service, even though I've > never had the chance to use the Airport before? For sure. > What could I expect to be charged by Apple for any repairs? Probably several hundred dollars. Apple repairs are not cheap because they want you to buy a new computer and with AppleCare the next time.