[CUBE] What's wrong with my Airport?

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Sun Feb 16 15:21:01 PST 2003

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Bill Fox wrote:
> On Sunday, February 16, 2003, at 05:24 PM, chrisnelson at mac.com wrote:
> > Unfortunately, the Cube is suffering from abysmal transfer rates.
> > Where the iBook is transferring data from the internet at about 1.6 MB
> > megabits/sec, the Cube is only getting transfer rates of a few hundred
> > kilobits per second- not that much faster than a modem!
> Make sure you have the latest AirPort software. The make the antenna is
> fully clicked into the connector on the Cube's card are my only
> suggestions. Try transferring computer (Cube) to computer (iBook) w/o
> the Linksys and see if you still get a poorer rate on the Cube.

If none of Bill's suggestions work, the position of the cube ad
basestation can be a big issue. Try putting them very close to each other
and se e if that helps.  (Or alternatvely, leave the cube and router
where they arem set the ibook near the cube and see if the iBook's
transfer rate drops) If so, you had something in between that is
interfering. You can download macstumbler from versiontracker.com and find
out what your signal strength is in various locations. That could help
track down the interference.

Hope this helps,


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