[CUBE] GeForce 4 and fanless Radeons?

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Tue Feb 18 03:16:20 PST 2003

On 2003-02-18 11:43, "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org> wrote:

> It is NOT VERY DETAILED. If you think it's so detailed I challenge you
> to rewrite it so idiots can do it here and now.


1. get a pc with an  AGP slot and floppy-drive and a graphics-card installed
on board or in a PCI- slot

2. get the Radeon 7000 agp that looks like this or has the same chip and ram
on it: <http://www.sapphiretech.com/media/7000/18c-4433-34-F.gif>

3. get the files needed here , unpack
the files and copy them to a DOS formatted diskette.

4. put the card you want to flash in the AGP slot

5. boot the pc into DOS, then insert the floppy-disk you made.

6. on the prompt, type "flashrom -pm 0 rad70mac.rom" and press ENTER.

7. wait for the flash-program to finish. if dou don't have the right card,
then the flasher will tell it to you.

8. shut down the PC, pull the card out and put in into your Mac.

Real programmers always mix up Halloween
and Christmas, because Oct 31 == Dec 25
Joost van de Griek

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