As promised for everyone to know and understand with no elitist secret codes kept to the sanctimonious pious all knowing Bishops and Lords of The List who believe that manners take precedent over knowledge sharing. My eternal gratitude to the creator of this hack Michael Bosshard of somewhere in Europe for helping me perfect these instructions so any idiot who stumbles upon them can perform the ROM flashing. Special thanks to Sean Terrill for turning me onto this secret hack that was languishing incompletely explained in a corner of Laurie Duncan's magnificent website's forums. You have to be willing and able to perform this hardware hack on your core to get the DC to DC card out of the way first: <> A side benefit of the external DVD-RW or Combo drive hack is plenty of room for the DC to DC card where the optical drive no longer needs to reside. < viewtopic.php?t=58&start=15&sid=7e880a7dd6315c6e668d5a589363c651> THEN... Here's how to flash the ROM in a PC ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card to turn the PC card into a Mac Radeon 7000 AGP card. 1. Get a PC with a vacant AGP slot, floppy-drive and a graphics-card installed on board or in a PCI- slot. 2. Get the PC 32MB Radeon 7000 AGP that looks like this or has the same chip and ram on it: <> 3. Get the files needed here <> , unpack the files and copy them loose (not the folder) to a DOS formatted diskette. 4. Put the card you want to flash in the AGP slot 5. Turn on the PC. Press F8 before win98 can start. 6. Do the step by step confirmation thing, say NO to every question. 7. Insert the floppy you made. 8. Type "a:" and press ENTER. 9. On the prompt type "flashrom -pm 0 rad70mac.rom" and press ENTER. 10. Wait for the flash-program to finish. If you don't have the right card, then the flasher will tell you. 11. Shut down the PC, pull the card out and put in into your Mac. 12. Go to < radeon7000maceditiondrivers.html> and download the most recent Mac Drivers and install them to add the S-Video support. Here's where to buy the PC ATI Radeon 7000 AGP card for $45 with free shipping: < product.asp?pid=5387&sid=TCHFXSLV8RG09NSQWVTTJQE4WQEF1BD3#> DVI to VGA adapter from there is only $8 extra vs. $19 from Apple. Apple DVI to ADC adapter is $99 at <> click on "Cables & Hubs" on the lower left edge. k