[CUBE] How To FlashROM A $45 32MB TwinView PC Radeon 7000 So They Work In Cubes/Macs

Anders Bogdan anders at theworks.org
Tue Feb 18 15:31:39 PST 2003

Hey! Thanks for running this down and documenting it!
And thanks to the other folks that contributed too!

So, anyone have any idea how this card performs relative to the Rage 
128 or BTO Radeon or the GF2?

Its great to have a fanless, inexpensive alternative, in fact, this 
might even fall into the fun and useful catageory as well. Definitely 
worth a few bucks to have one on hand...

Good work!

On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 02:19  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> As promised for everyone to know and understand with no elitist secret 
> codes kept to the 

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