What is this...

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Sat Feb 22 15:06:04 PST 2003

On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 07:50 PM, Alan Thompson wrote:

> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ 
> eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3402932462&category=25449
> already up there, though, in price, and there are 8 days left in the  
> auction.

Saw that picture and took my 2MX (at least thought that was the one)  
from the shelf to see if I have the twinview maybe. Went to Cube FAQ  
and to my amazment the card looks more like twinview, bot not exactly.  
Further investigation revealed that the card is too big in the cube!
So what is this? It was pulled from a tower - a friend oredered a  
system with geforce 4TI but since the cards were not available he got  
this one and received his TI afterwards. It seems to be twinview, built  
by nvidia, and has a small heatsink with no fan. Am I right assuming  
that this is geforce 4MX?
If yes, I guess I could xchange it with another friend who's got a  
tower with Radeon 7500, which should be able to run the new 20" display  
in native resolution (?)

Sorry, no picture...

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