I recently bought my cube, after selling my imac, because it is a stunning piece of beautiful engineering. I could have bought a new iMac with a superdrive and solved all my Pioneer dvr105 'inside outside hack' issues - but it wouldn't be the same. I've always wanted a cube and will probably always have one. My problem is though, that most of my work on it, is video and photo editing. As I am of meagre means (and obviously devoid of computer knowledge) I can't afford every upgrade on the market. So where do I start? My cube is a 450 with DVD and 20gig HD. It has 1Mb of RAM and not much else. More RAM I can probably afford, but which upgrade is going to help me cut down the time iMovie spends chuntering away exporting stuff? A new CPU or a fancy Video card? And whichever one it is - how far down the line do I need to go. The DVD on the umbiblical sounds great if it will work with IDVD3, but do I need more muscle to get it to work efficiently. Thanks in advance for even reading this! Rossi