[CUBE] Others Want To Know How You Found Those Patches

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Feb 25 00:58:46 PST 2003

On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 12:44  AM, Filipp Lepalaan  
<filipp at mac.ee> wrote:

> Hi,
> Since, I myself am on a G3, I haven't had much time / oportunity
> to play around with iDVD. Reading MacDV, I developed an understanding
> that it's perhaps possible to somehow save the file in iDVD so that it  
> could be burned
> straight in Toast? Not sure...
> I found a thread at maccentral that suggested to look for the VIDEO_TS  
> folder that iDVD
> creates (somewhere):
> http://forums.maccentral.com/wwwthreads/ 
> showflat.php?Cat=&Board=news011031idvd2php&Number=28895&page=&view=expa 
> nded&sb=5&o=&part=&returnto=http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0110/ 
> 31.idvd2.php
> Also there's a mention of this at Roxio's support site:
> http://www.roxio.com/en/support/roxio_support/toast/ 
> kb_articles.html#toastkbdvd1
> As for myself, I live in Estonia's capital Tallinn where indeed work  
> for an AASP.
> Filipp
>> Thanks filipp,
>> The thought is that we can take the prepped files in some order and  
>> burn the DVDs with Toast. But we haven't figured out what set of  
>> files to put into toast to make it work that way.
>> What city and country are you in? Your site appears to be a foreign  
>> official Apple Support Site.
>> Kunga
>> On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 11:27  PM, Filipp Lepalaan wrote:
>>> Hello Kunga,
>>> Sorry for the wait  -  I read my mail only at work and it's been a  
>>> long weekend.
>>> No, I am not the author of the patch - I found it on newnet .
>>> It's totally harmless, if people are paranoid but want to try, why  
>>> can't they just make a backup
>>> of the old iDVD - file (iDVD3 -> Contents -> MacOS) and try it out.
>>> Unfortunately, it's not possible (and from the looks of it never  
>>> will be) to modify it
>>> to the extent to have it burn with an external drive. Sorry.
>>> Best regards,
>>> filipp
>>> IM Computers // Macintosh Technical Support
>>> http://www.mac.ee
>>>> http://kaja.org.ee/info.htm
>>>> Dear Filipp,
>>>> Guys on the Cube list want to know where the patch code for the no  
>>>> SuperDrive iDVD 3 came from. You remember how you came across it.  
>>>> Did you write it? What country are you in? I am not a cop. I'm just  
>>>> trying to report back to the Cube list. Some there are paranoid the  
>>>> patch will hurt their computers. I really don't know why. You  
>>>> figure out how to burn to an external from the code you can create  
>>>> with iDVD 3 with this patch in place?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kunga

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