hello everyone just wanted to let you know about my latest project i installed a fan just like in other posts but i added a switch underneath the cube to turn it off if i want to my next two projects are to add white or blue Led's to the platform underneath so the cube lights up and also wanted some info the airport pc card seat is that a normal pc card seat because i was thinking to move it so it can be accessed from outside with a case modification because i have a rex 6000 that i would like to use somehow with the mac have no idea if it will work was hoping to use it under VPC in OSX any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Anyway about the fan i installed a 80x80x25 that i had laying around and so far seems to work great Thermo in dock is reporting 8 degrees at about 20 percent load where before the fan it was between 20 and 24 degrees this was half an hour ago before the install i know it's not accurate but too much of a coincidence so i guess the fan is working pretty well very silent too i was expecting worse thats why i put in the switch.