OT: Jaguar on 233mHz iMac

Hal kastegir at mac.com
Sun Jan 5 13:11:57 PST 2003

This is a little off-topic, but I'm hoping for some  insight. I recenty 
inherited an original 233mHz iMac from my parents (they upgraded to a 
flat-panel model). I was considering adding some memory and giving it 
to my in-laws, as they're currently without a computer. They're not 
gamers and will only be using the computer for email, web-browsing and 
word processing.

Does anyone have experience running jaguar on a 233mHz iMac? All of my 
machines are now running OSX , so I'd rather set it up with OSX than 
OS9, because it'll be easier for me to troubleshoot over the phone if 
they have questions.

Any help is appreciated.


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