[CUBE] It arrived! plus please help :)

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Mon Jan 6 17:42:58 PST 2003

On 1/6/03 8:33 PM, mcph at olemiss.edu typeth:

> The cube I purchased on ebay a couple of weeks ago finally
> arrived tonight!  :)  There's one small problem though,
> there is some sort of password protection enabled on it.
> Is there any way of bypassing that easily and booting the
> system?
> I have a set of Jaguar CD's and would be happy to format the
> hard drive and just install that if possible (actually
> I'd prefer that).  I'm assuming that's an option,  but I
> don't have any idea what the best way to go about it is.
> I tried inserting the first install CD but the drive isnt
> drawing it in.  is this normal?  is it perhaps being
> protected by whatever the password program is holding it
> (I'm not entirely positive that the drive is empty is there
> a way to check?).
> Thanks a lot for any tips! :)

At what point are you being asked for a password? Are you getting an OS X
login screen with user/pass fields?  Or is an open firmware password you are
being asked for?

It's not "normal" for the optical drive not to draw in the CD, assuming the
computer is on. Are you sure there isn't a CD already in the drive? To
check, since you can't log in, hold down the mouse button while restarting
the computer and that should eject whatever is in there. Otherwise, a little
friction (very little) is normal, but you shouldn't have to force it. If you
can get it to boot from CD finally, there's an option in the FILE menu of
the Jaguar install screen that allows you to reset the password - or you can
just elect to format using disk utility (also available in the  menubar from
the jag installer) the drive and install your own fresh OS from that install

If all of the above fails, I suggest you contact the seller and have this
situation made right, unless you were aware that you were buying something
that needs repairing.

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