[CUBE] Unpartitioning

Gary Waugh tersono at tersonodesign.com
Thu Jan 9 08:21:17 PST 2003

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 03:55 PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> How big do you think the OS X partition should be Gary? 15 or 20 GB?

hmm - I tend to use multiple drives rather than multiple partitions 
(external firewire in the case of my cube), but my boot partition would 
need to be _at least_ 20gb.

It's kind of a difficult thing to generalise about - it's going to 
depend on how much software you have and how much data you generate - 
as well as how you prefer to arrange your directories/applications/data.

> My bad on the HDT. I did not know that. But I wouldn't trust it to 
> work with OS X. If you go that way, you better make sure you are fully 
> backed up to another drive. I have not had good experiences with HDT.

To be honest I don't trust the windows equivalents either, so no 


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