[CUBE] Unpartitioning

Marc Stergionis stermarc at mac.com
Thu Jan 9 09:02:34 PST 2003

At about 8:48 AM -0800 on 1/9/03, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>You mean you put an ALIAS of the home folder that you put elsewhere 
>on the OS X volume?
>On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 08:45  AM, Marc Stergionis wrote:
>For any OS X partition smaller than 10G, I usually put my Home 
>directory on a different volume (with sym link of course).

Using Terminal, I:

1. Copied the /Users directory to a different partition.

2. Deleted the original /Users directory on the OS X partition.

3. Created a sym link to the new, relocated /Users directory.

Mike Bombich, creator of CCC, BTW, has great instructions for it here:


The reasoning for utilizing Terminal is that the commands used (like 
at Mike's site) preserve all permissions and invisible files, which 
drag 'n' drop won't do and OS X making an Alias in the Finder won't 
do. I like to play it safe ...


Many have Montana envy ... the lucky get to live here!
Marc Stergionis
Communications/Web Specialist
Benefis Healthcare http://www.benefis.org
"Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer."

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