[CUBE] You CAN Fool A Cube Into Thinking A DVR-105 Is Inside

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Fri Jan 10 11:18:44 PST 2003

OK. There is a way to use the DVR-105 as an internal with a Cube as 
long as you don't mind pulling the core and dangling the IDE and power 
cable outside the core to connect directly to the core's bus. No 
modifications are necessary. Just an ugly setup. I wrote the author of 
this hack and got these answers back from him last night. I also posted 
his hack day before yesterday. If you can't find it tell this thread 
and I'll post it again.


> Dear Bill,
> Just found your DVR-104 hack on xlr8. Tried to find it long ago but 
> missed it. Can you help me a little bit with my attempt to follow you 
> please?
> I got the DVR-105 last week at OfficeMax for $170 after $50 instant 
> and $50 mail in rebates. Now I want to make my Cube think it's 
> internal like you did so I can get an iLife. Doing the dual 1.2 GHz 
> PowerLogix Cube upgrade next month. You too?
> A few questions about your hack:
> 1. Did you have to build an extension IDE cable off the internal's 
> optical IDE connector?
Original IDE Cable
> 2. Did you have to add a power extension cable off the internal's 
> optical power cable?
Internal Cable
> 3. Did you really need to REMOVE the old optical to get all the cable 
> access or WHY?
I just left it in place and pulled the cables out the airport side.
> 4. How do you have your 104 sitting next to the open Cube? On a stack 
> of books or just raw on the floor/desk?
Raw on the desk
> 5. I have zero cosmetic problems. My Cube sits on the floor out of 
> sight.
> Thanks for your help in advance.

On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 09:55  AM, Eagle wrote:

> Brian,
> Yes it will work but the DVR-105 will NOT fit inside the Cube...
> Eagle
> On Friday, Jan 10, 2003, at 12:53 US/Eastern, Brian Sledz wrote:
>> Hello
>> Before I buy a Cube on Ebay I want to make sure about something.  If 
>> one replaces the standard dvd-cd drive in the cube and replaces it 
>> with one of the Pioneer 104 or 105 drives, will iDvd work?  I want a 
>> cube for my office and would like it to burn dvds.

>> thanks
>> Brian

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