Quoth a l a n t h o m p s o n (athomp2 at mac.com) at 1/6/03 11:10: > ha - i was just beginning to wonder myself - i think it's too tall, but > i saw somewhere that a dremel took care of that... It is marginally too tall, so that it actually makes contact with the DC board. The part that requires Dremeling is the Cube's baseplate, to accommodate the longer ports on the 9000. I ran my Cube with the 9000 (out of the case) for about two weeks over the holidays, but I still haven't decided how best to go about modifying the baseplate. Sean Terrill a10t2 at mac.com http://a10t2.cjb.net "When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading." - Henry Youngman