These are the instructions from a PowerBook but they do pretty much the same thing with our cube modems. You can reset the modem using AppleWorks or ClarisWorks or another communications application such as Zterm. 1. In AppleWorks, open a new Communications document. 2. Set the Connections Settings as follows: * Method: Serial Tool * Baud Rate: 57600 * Parity: None * Data Bits: 8 * Stop Bits: 1 * Handshake DTR & CTS * Current Port : Internal (or appropriate port) 3. Select Open Connection from the Session menu (this will let you type modem AT commands) 4. Type the following: AT&F Then press the Return key on your keyboard. Wait for the computer to return the OK message. 5. Type the following: ATZ Then press the Return key on your keyboard. Wait for the computer to return the OK message. This should reset the modem to the factory default settings.