[CUBE] Radeon 9000 retail?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Jan 13 21:11:20 PST 2003

Thank you. That's exactly what I was trying to understand. I too am 
worried about the convection cooling as I prepare to run the core 
outside the plastic case in order to hook up a DVR-10 to the optical 
connectors. Good idea. I hadn't though of a couple of short 2x4s 
before. Obvious. Perfect.


On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 09:04  PM, Sean Terrill wrote:

> Quoth Thubten Kunga (Kunga at FutureMedia.org) at 1/14/03 0:00:
>> The core is pulled. You can't put it back in because you can't install
>> it correctly right? Is there room for it to sit where it belongs. Do
>> you run your cube on its side with the card side up? Or how?
> There's room for the Radeon 9000 to sit where it belongs, yes. It makes
> contact with the DC/DC board in two spots, so I used electrical tape 
> just to
> make sure it's insulated. I was running the Cube on its side but I was
> worried that without the convection cooling it might run hot, so I 
> propped
> it upright on top of a couple scraps of 2x4.
> Sean Terrill
> a10t2 at mac.com
> http://a10t2.cjb.net

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