Probably not 50/50. A replacement card's chances of not exibiting the coma problem would reflect the current ratio of coma/no coma cards being shipped by PL. So if the percentage of 'coma cards' coming out of PL is 10*, then the chances of solving the problem with a new card is 90%. * complete fabrication; I have no idea what this really is; if it is exactly 50, then disregard this post entirely -- the original was correct :-) At 08:57 AM 1/15/2003, Laurie A Duncan wrote: >So from where they sit, it seems obvious that since no one can >determine WHY there's a problem with some cards and not others, that >replacing the card has a 50/50 chance of solving the problem, and is the >most efficient way of solving the problem for the individual, since the >problem as a whole is still some time away from being solved.