[CUBE] Why Sleep (Was PL Upgrade)

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Fri Jan 17 07:47:05 PST 2003

i liked your email.  informative.

only part i disagree with is below - you are speaking of peecees.  
apple /has/ complete control over the hardware that is there; one of 
the few advantages that apple has over the rest of the hw/pee cee 
makers.  (i say few, b/c it is clear that apple is being held down by 
the boat anchor that is motorola).


On Friday, January 17, 2003, at 06:38 AM, Tom Davidson wrote:

> Sleep in a laptop is much easier than a desktop because in a laptop,
> you have control of what hardware is there. The only variables are
> the PCMCIA cards. 

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