On 1/20/03 2:25 PM, kastegir at mac.com typeth: > Just out of curiousity, if I were to upgrade to a PL 1gHz CPU in my > Cube, does the stock 500mHz chip have any value? I read somewhere that > one of the vendors was doing a trade-in offer. Anyone else see that? I > thought I read that in an OWC email or something... > > cheers, > -Hal I think it's the PowerLogix trade-UP program you are referring to, which is an upgrade option from one PL CPU to a newer/faster PL CPU - not a trade-in on your stock CPU. The stock CPU can either be kept as a backup in case you need it one day as a replacement, or sold on ebay, etc... Laurie -- AOL IM/iChat: cubeownernyc http://www.cubeowner.com Home of The Mac Cube FAQ!