[CUBE] Mac OS ROM issues?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Jan 21 08:04:55 PST 2003

I don't know what the source of the wake from sleep problem is. My Cube 
500 wakes from sleep perfectly always no problem. Others have always 
had a wake from sleep problem. But I use 10.2.3 so maybe it's an OS 9 
"problem?" I'm just speculating.


On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 05:12  AM, Chris Searles wrote:

> on 20.01.2003 19:37 Uhr, D-B Hudson at dbhud at jps.net typed vigorously:
>> OS 9.2.2 runs much smoother as the standalone system on the Cube than
>> 9.1 ever did.  Make sure that you also do the firmware upgrade to your
>> Cube.  Check your current ROM version in Apple System Profiler.
> You were right. Now I'm a happy camper with 9.2.2 which seems to be 
> much
> snappier and smoother. (Turns out the problems I was having were due 
> to an
> old extension messing around with my System.)
> Just one question though: Has the Sleep function improved under 9.2.2 
> or
> does the Cube still have problems waking up?
> Chris

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