Speaking of UPS units . . .

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at cybermesa.com
Fri Jan 24 11:24:16 PST 2003

Entity Alan Thompson spoke thus:

>  all of the sudden, the power went out.
>  keep meaning to pick up a apc unit.
Speaking of which, allow me to expound on the superiority of the Cube's
I run my Cube mobile, which means it runs off of a 12volt battery via
But the inverter is only 400 watts and a little noisy (electrically) so the
Cube runs off of the grid when I have the power. The controller is a simple
relay that switches the power from inverter to grid.
You can't do this trick with any computer power supply, but the Cube's
external PS (boat anchor that it is), has such a powerful electromagnetic
flux that it is able to power the Cube for at least half a second before the
Cube shuts off. Try it, unplug your Cube and replug it real fast and if you
are quick enough it won't even shut off!

The moral of the story is, it is very easy to rig up the Cube to run off of
solar or wind power with cheap car batteries and cheap inverter and any old
relay in your boneyard.
No UPS needed!

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