I thought you meant 'after a kernel panic restart' rather than a regular restart. Certainly if I have a crash/kernel panic and have to hit the switch, I see finder windows which were open days ago. If you mean that they are appearing after a proper restart, then try trashing the Finder prefs if you haven't already: home/library/preferences/com.apple.finder.plist HTH James -- James Knight Norwich, UK james at twoknight.com On 24/1/03 7:07 pm, "Gnarlodious" <gnarlodious at cybermesa.com> wrote: > Entity James Knight spoke thus: > >> The finder window thing though is caused by the fact that the Finder doesn't >> seem to save it's list of open windows except when it exits gracefully. > Wrong, because I explained that the windows that appear after restart are > windows that were closed days ago. Guess you missed that part. They seem to > exist dormant thinking they are open but they are not, at least until > restart. > > However, I have identified other problems as occurring when I do things too > soon after waking the Cube. For example, the Monitors Prefpanel loses it's > brightness control and and I must reboot to get it back. I am trying to > develop a policy of not doing anything from the menubar or prefpanels---and > now it seems "closing windows"---within 20 seconds after waking the Cube. > > I still maintain it is a firmware issue. > > Hope that makes sense . . . > > -- Rachel > http://www.Spectrumology.com > AIM Gnarlodious