I'm having difficulty formatting a new seagate 80 gig so I can try out Jaguar (Yes, this cube list has convinced me to take the leap of faith). I installed the new drive internally and formatted it into 6 partitions using a 10.2 Jag CD. The partition for the OS X is 20 gig. The format completed OK and I then attempted to install Jag. No such luck, the installer quit and the partition for the system disappeared. I've been unable to get the partition to reload after restarting the cube with the Jag CD. The other partitions show up fine. I then installed the new drive in my external firewire case (replacing the 30 gig there) but the cube (running 9.2.2) refuses to recognize the new drive at all. The old 30 gig was reinstalled and was recognized fine. This is likely a simple thing, but at the moment, I'm stymied. I've read suggestions about formatting the drive into 8 gig partitions for the system installation (internally mounted), but before I tear the cube apart again, I'd like some opinions as to what I'm missing. Thanks for any enlightenment. - Fran Adams