Christian Leue Christian.Leue at web.de
Sun Jan 26 11:41:59 PST 2003

>  I've taken a brief look at available GSM third party software on 
> Versiontracker, there are some interesting bits here (OnSync, released 
> today, GSM remote, SIM express).

I licensed GSM Remote for use with my Siemens S35i phone. It is a 
totally stand-alone application that does not know about iCal or 
Address Book, so I just use it to edit and back up the phone's number 
list. SIM express is probably equally limited. OnSync promises, at 
least from the name, more. Will have a look at it.

In any case, I will wait until I can have on my phone a full copy of 
the address book and calendar I maintain on my TiBook and which I 
"iSync" to my Cube and Palm and, some day, my mobile phone.


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