[CUBE] Just so you all know...

Gregory P. Perez gpp7824 at mac.com
Tue Jan 28 22:25:21 PST 2003

As an American citizen you are privileged to have the freedom to choose to
leave anytime you wish. This is not a privilege available to people in truly
worse situations (N.Korea, Cuba, etc. etc.)

> Alan, I too said I was going to canada...but haven't followed thru ;).
> I think I'm going to stick out one more election, and if he forces his
> way back in...THEN I'm gone. I hear the snowboarding is great and
> everybody has medical coverage up there.

A lot of loyal-americans have died over the years to give you this right. If
you are so weakly loyal, feel free to honor their sacrifice by exercising
your right to leave.

I find nothing more infuriating than US citizens willing to casually dispose
of their citizenship. If you have problems with the 'system' in its' current
incarnation you absolutely have the right to complain, voice your opinion,
etc. However, you also have the right to actively change the system to one
of your liking. I respect individuals that do not like something and have
the spine to do something about it. Protest, lobby, march, RUN for office
even! But don't just complain and run away. On second thought, please do
leave. (later you can return and even become president) There are hordes of
people dying to take your place here and as history has shown, most
immigrants are willing to work hard and make a better life for themselves
and their families. Yes we do have problems here, I don't deny that, why
don't you try to make it a better place instead of running away from the
hard work of citizenship.

Greg (Living a comfortable life b/c lots of people already made the big
sacrifices for me.)

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