Just so you all know...

Gregory P. Perez gpp7824 at mac.com
Tue Jan 28 23:59:21 PST 2003

On 1/29/03 12:54 AM, "mentholiptus" <mentholiptus at mac.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 12:25  AM, Gregory P. Perez wrote:
>> Yes we do have problems here, I don't deny that, why
>> don't you try to make it a better place instead of running away from
>> the
>> hard work of citizenship.
> I marched the weekend before last against the war. I voted. I stay
> informed. I (brace yourself) voiced an opinion?!
Great. But you don't get any bonus points. That is simply your duty as a

> But when I voice an opinion, the flames get cranked to high. I exercise
> free speech, and everyone says "Not in HERE!"
In case you didn't notice. I didn't flame, I replied and voiced my opinion.
Both are equally valid.

> Then where.
Anywhere, everywhere. Since you didn¹t notice, I am not one of the people
suggesting that your comments were not allowed in the list.

> Face it, this country was founded by upper-class, white land-holding
> slave-owners who said all men are created equal (except for slaves,
> indians, and women), and also suggested their class be the only one
> allowed to vote...right after they drove the native race right off the
> land.
That hardly has a bearing on our personal actions today. What happened in
the past doesn't change our need to make tomorrow better than today.

> We have our moments, but we're just as guilty as anyone else...there's
> more to patriotism than a "god bless america" sticker on a 6 mpg
> pick-up truck...you know, the one that cuts you off in a fit of road
> rage...
I never said a sticker would fix it. You protested, great. Do it again, do
it everyday until you get what you want. You have pick-up hate? Great, get
them outlawed. I wish you luck.

> Don't run away from the hard work of accepting anothers opinion...try
> and understand. TOLERANCE.
Who disavowed your opinions! Certainly not I. I fully respect the opinions
of others. Don't try to insinuate that I was close-minded to your opinions.
In fact, you didn't really express any opinions for anyone to disagree with.
All you said was {Bush sucks. If he is relected I'm going to canada}.

However, I DON'T consider 'running away to canada' as an opinion.
In no way did I express any intolerance. You simply have a victim mindset
and want to toss around guilt by insinuating that you are not being
tolerated, that your opinions are not being heard.

> Or we could just fight...and shut me down so I (we) don't have to be
> heard.
Huh? What? I heard you and I replied, knowing full well you would reply in
return. This is called debate/discussion, this is how it works. Stop
painting yourself as the victim. You've been heard, you've replied. No-one
has denied your right to be heard. Because I don't agree you assume you have
been shut down? Hardly.

> This is a real issue that could very well effect us all...maybe even
> while we're reading our email naked enjoying a cup of folgers and
> complaining because the garbage has to go out...
What is a real issue? You haven't actually stated your issue. All you've
said is that you didn't vote for bush, don¹t like him, want to move to
canada, colonial america was bad, you hate pick-ups, and no-one tolerates
your opinion. My only reply is a distaste for people having a casual
attitude towards rejecting their citizenship. So, what is the 'real issue
that could very well effect us all'? The fact that you haven't been heard?
No. The issue is that you've said nothing and only want to stir hostility by
starting such a blatant flame-bait topic in a list of people trying to get
there cubes to properly work with the new release of apple monitors.

> Americian life.
> jesse

Greg (I'm not a victim, if people don't hear me it's because I'm not trying
hard enough!)

ps: I've seen Bowling for Columbine. The blame for all of these issues can
be firmly laid at the feet of the absentee parents.

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