AW: [CUBE] Just so you all know...

Boris Jotic okatu at
Wed Jan 29 03:45:00 PST 2003

>EVERYONE should go see "Bowling for Columbine" by michael moore if they

>haven't already. A beautiful documentary about how messed up this 
>country really is.

Also read Stupid white men by M.Moore it's worth it - and Jesse  not
only the US is messed up -it the whole World!!!! But I think this whole
crap was always there but the last years the world hat a balance
according to russia but thank to that jerk Gorbatchow it's gone (I like
the good parts he's done but I think he played russia int the western
hands) - we all know what came: war at gulf, war at yugoslavia, again
war on gulf, war on afghanistan and this will go on and on till americas
has full world administration - or in the world of Unix - the wanna get
the root access of our beloved world. But the biggest problem I
encounterd in my short life phase is, that especially here in Germany,
people aren't really able to stand up - most are so integrated in this
system of consum and terror, they'll defend it with their lifes. U know
what happens to the human in mass situations - it's like a bunch of
sheep ;) I think people like here on the list are a minority (in
political ways along with our computers) and that's pretty sad - but we
still can try to convince as many people we meet and try to encourage
them to stand up...but I'm not that optimistic about that.


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