[CUBE] OT: Safari (hotmail bites)

Erik Ableson eableson at mac.com
Thu Jan 30 06:31:19 PST 2003

On jeudi, janvier 30, 2003, at 02:58 PM, john breedlove wrote:

> This was total crap.  Pissed me off too.  Once I got the login to work 
> in this roundabout fashion, it began to work the way it should.  I 
> can't figure out why.  Its not the first time a idiosyncratic 
> implementation of web standards creates a problem, for Mail I have 
> noticed similar problems.  Similar in that I suspect the problem is 
> intentional.  AOL and Hotmail recipients can't get attachments (even 
> if the files are small enough).  That is basically the only reason I 
> still have a Hotmail account, so I can get graphics files to clients.

It's simply because the page that loads after the login check does a 
browser check and looks at the string the browser sent.  Now I _know_ 
that they screwed this up because on day 1 of Safari I could get in 
just fine through the main login window but then they updated the 
browser string list to put Safari on the list of non-javascript 

Hotmail's just my spam-trap for the most part and so that I can use MSN 
Messenger (I prefer iChat, but not everyone I know has an AIM account).

> BTW how do you get that little picture in the upper right hand corner 
> of your emails?

If you have a .mac account, then you can update your .mac id picture 
through the webmail preferences.  Basically the mail app checks for 
this when the sender's address is a .mac account.  Apparently there are 
some hacks for this for a non .mac account, but I haven't checked any 
of them out.



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