[CUBE] OT: Safari (hotmail bites)

macjedi at mac.com macjedi at mac.com
Thu Jan 30 13:01:42 PST 2003

On 1/30/03 at 3:31 PM, eableson at mac.com (Erik Ableson) did send into the ether:

> Hotmail's just my spam-trap for the most part and so that I can use MSN 
> Messenger (I prefer iChat, but not everyone I know has an AIM account).

If you want MSN Messenger access, just use Fire.
I have a couple of Windoze friends who use nothing but MSNM, so I use Fire to
communicate with them, staying M$-application free. Otherwise, it's iChat all
the way. Fire's also good for AIM, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, and Yahoo! Messenger.

The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three.

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