PowerLogix upgrade/no sleep - other factors

Tom Spielman tomspielman at mac.com
Wed Jul 2 20:08:09 PDT 2003

Maybe I've just missed it, but has there been any speculation or 
confirmation about other hardware in combination with CPU upgrades 
causing the coma problem?

I just got a powerlogix 800 mhz upgrade and now my cube won't sleep. 
 Other people don't have this problem and I'm wondering if it has 
something to do with hardware I have that others may not.

In other words, are those of use with geforce 2 mx cards more likely to 
have problems than those with other graphics cards?  Are ADC displays 
contributing factors?

Do sonnet cards wake better?

Just wondering.

Incidentally, the developer version of Panther doesn't fix it, at least 
not installed on a firewire drive.  


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