[CUBE] printing from a pc to cube

Michael Adams bulk at michaeladams.org
Fri Jul 4 06:57:04 PDT 2003

Richard Clark wrote:

> was wondering if anyone can help i turned on printer sharing on my 
> cube and am trying to add a network printer from my pc running win 98 
> when i try to add it finds the cube and asks me for a password but 
> none of my passwords work user admin nothing, i tried to look around 
> in the cube to see if there is a way to specify a password in osx for 
> shared printers and can find nothing.
> Any help would be appreciated 

Windows 98 logs in using the current username by default, and there's no 
way to change it. So if you're running as joe on win98, then it will try 
to connect to you cube as joe. If the user joe doesn't exist on your 
cube, then obviously it won't work. If joe does exist on the cube, then 
go into Accounts in System Prefs and edit the user. Then click on the 
box down the bottom that allows them to log on from windows.

Another point... I don't think win98 can use the printer sharing that OS 
X offers (which is I believe the Internet Printing Protocol). I believe 
this is a WinME, 2k and XP feature only. What I'd recommend is 
downloading a program called Samba Sharing Package 
(http://xamba.sourceforge.net/ssp/) which allows you to share printers 
and other folders (not bound to users, ie a common shared folder) with 
windows machines. There's a knack to getting it to work, but it can be 
done: I've done it for my mini-network.

Finally, http://www.macosxhints.com has many hints on this subject... 
there's bound to be a solution in there somewhere!

--Michael Adams.

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