[CUBE] Yes It Works! Anyone try a larger drive than 120 GB in a cube?

Marc Stergionis stermarc at mac.com
Wed Jun 11 09:19:15 PDT 2003

At about 11:01 AM -0500 on 6/11/03, Rod Clifford wrote:
>The sysyem is kept on its own partition it seems. Startup disk still 
>works the same in the
>control panel?

Yes, you'll have a startup icon for each System Folder on each 
partition. If you have X and 9 on a single partition, the control 
panel will let you access each as a startup OS. If you have 9 and a 
"Previous System Folder" 9 on a partition due to a clean install, 
they will both show, and you'll even be able to start up from the 
Previous SF ... you'd have three startup options for that single 
partition if you also have X on that volume!

>As updates & patches are released there are no special requirements to install
>on that partition?

Updates are only applied to the boot volume. You'd have to restart 
from each boot volume to update that System Folder.

>Silly question: is the reason for partitioning a performance gain or 
>to keep the individual
>partions from fragmenting as quickly? As with most Mac owners, I 
>dump everything on a
>single partitioned hard drive.

That's, like, a religious preference. It will become its own thread 
if pursued -- and has in the past ...


Many have Montana envy ... the lucky get to live here!
Marc Stergionis
Communications/Web Specialist
Benefis Healthcare http://www.benefis.org
"Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer."

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