[CUBE] PowerMac 8500 Video to 15" Flat Panel

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Wed Mar 5 15:50:38 PST 2003

Jason you are right. But Apple's DVI to ADC adapter is only $99 vs the 
VGA to ADC for $299. A Mac 32 MB ATI Radeon 7000 PCI card is your 
likely answer — if you had a tower. Total cost $255 or so including 
shipping plus sales tax if any.

But the Cube doesn't accept PCI cards. that poster must be new to the 
list or lost from his normal tower list. You need a AGP card plus the 
previously mentioned VGA to ADC adapter $299.

No KVM does not make ADC switcher boxes.


On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 03:22  PM, Jason Torrey wrote:

> Can you buy such a thing?  I thought only Apple supplied display cards 
> with that connector.  Do you have any examples of cards that have an 
> ADC on them?
> A related question is this...  Are there any KVM / toggle boxes that 
> allow you to use a single ADC-equipped display with, say, two 
> different ADC-equipped Cubes?
> Thanks!  This is great!
> On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 03:31  PM, <vze28f48 at verizon.net> 
> wrote:
>> Get a PCI video card with an ADC connector on it! What's the big deal?

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