I just wanted to tell all you great people who helped me --what was actually wrong with my cube. Or at least what I did that worked. The problems were ms word and aol kept bombing dozens of times. Finally hard drive wouldn't fully reboot. I won't go into detail about the thousands of things I did that had no effect. There is what worked: 1. Did a partial reinstall of 9.1 OS . This made MS word stop bombing. Dont ask me why. 2. Increased memory of MS word ; this speeded up save feature for MS word that was unreasonably slow, and spell check that would bomb in the midst of document checking. Dont ask me why. 3. Spent over an hour with an AOL phone tech. at midnight last night. Finanlly figured out that the 48MB file of sent and rec'd emails over the last several years was corrupt. Moving it out of aol folder and onto desktop solved the problem. The file is called "filing cabinet." It was causing everything to go haywire. Dont ask me why. If anyone has any brilliant ideas about how to extract the info from a 48MB 'aol filinng cabinet' file please let me know. It absolutely will not open in aol, and it of course is in aol "email sent" and "email rec'd" format. I did open a tiny file cab (also corrupted) attached to another filing cabinet on same account by doing "insert file" into MS Word. Alot of junk, but the messages in between the junk are readable. The prob with the 48 MB file is I think is too big to insert into a MS doc. Any ideas? again, thank you very much for helping, Your suggestions helped me find the way to fix things. kub