[CUBE] powerlogix-europe.com

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Thu Mar 6 11:42:16 PST 2003

> the data taking I was using a KayPro (Z80 CP/M machine, one of the 
> first lugables) to do data taking and analysis.  Because the shipping 
> document said it was a computer, the whole shipment sat in bonded 
> storage for a week, while shipping agents filled out mountains of 
> paperwork to import a computer that was available for sale in 
> Switzerland.  It doesn't make sense, but that's ITAR.

Yeah, I remember that back in 80ties they refused to sell me an Amiga 
in US when I told them where I'm coming from. However, it was sorted 
out byt he manufacturer shortly after that, so I don't think ITAR would 
cause any probems for consumer electronics today. I might be wrong 

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