[CUBE] Webcams

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Mar 6 19:10:46 PST 2003

If I was buying a webcam it would definitely be a FireWire version.  
Here's the one I think is the best. It's Unibrain's Fire-i Digital  


It sells for only about $119 list or $91.50 at ecost.



On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 04:02  PM, Jason Torrey wrote:

> Hi.
> Does anyone have any recommendations for a webcam for my Cube?  I  
> think that I have a preference for a USB version (because then I can  
> use it with my PC), but am open to Firewire if there is a significant  
> benefit.  It pains me to see all of the PC-only webcams at CompUSA and  
> not a one for a Cube with Mac OS X.
> Thanks,
> Jason

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