AW: [CUBE] [OT] Airport Problem

Boris Jotic okatu at
Sat Mar 8 04:16:00 PST 2003

<It seems that turning sleep off would help, or maybe getting an *always

<on* base station, just thought i would see if anyone else had been 
<having similar problems.

I just got my two Airport Cards yesterday - one for the Cube to serve as
base station and one for my iBook ;). First problem I encountered was,
that if u have no BSD Subsystem installed, u won't be able to turn
Internet sharing on (which drove me nuts for quite a while)!! Also u
won't be able to do this with 10.x Server - no sharing tab!! I read
about some software tutorial but the author hasn't written back yet. Now
we come to your problems:

Yes, I also have the prob,if I turn one of the machines into sleep mode
and wake it up afterwards, the network is down...don't know a solution
yet, since I only got them for one day now ;) (system is 10.2.4 on all


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