[CUBE] move OS X user home folder?

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Sun Mar 9 07:53:47 PST 2003

On 2003-03-09 08:34, "Alan Thompson" <athomp2 at mac.com> wrote:

> in other unixes, this can be accomplished in /etc/fstab - essentially, you
> would be telling the os that you're mounting /home, or in our case /Users on a
> different volume/disk.  in os x, i have not tried this.  you try searching
> usenet yet?

In Mac OS X, it is done through NetInfo Manager.

Launch /Applications/Utilities/NetInfo Manager, then select users ->
<username>, and edit the location of the Home folder.

% cd /pub
% more beer
Joost van de Griek

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