OT: trouble with beige G3 internal SCSI/HD, OS 8.6

John H. Lincoln jhlincoln at mac.com
Tue Mar 11 10:12:13 PST 2003

Here's a puzzle for Mac nostalgia buffs… A friend of mine, for years, 
has happily been using a beige Mac G3, and OS 8.6. All her apps and 
data are storedd on the internal 40 MB hard drive.

Suddenly, one morning she tries to boot up, and all she gets is a disk 
with flashing Question Mark.

The local Apple dealer (we live on the island of Mallorca, off the 
coast of Spain) wants to replace the hard drive – but that would mean 
waving goodbye to all that precious data.

She has the original Install CD, but when she boots from that, she 
cannot mount the Hard Drive, and so cannot perform the OS re-install.

Any ideas? Sometimes Norton Disk doctor can find and mount a wayward 
HD. I'm going to try that tomorrow.

But what else? Any and all suggestions welcome. TIA.

John H. Lincoln
Fornalutx, Mallorca, Spain
reply to:  john at johnhlincoln.com	
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