The problem is, whereas Apple's share is 35% or what, the dealer only gets 3 to 5%. Think about this, it is incredible! The shop that sells you that new Mac is only making 50 or 70 bucks on it. Every wondered why they really are not interested in all your questions / after care problems / always try and force add ons and insurance policies in the package !?! In no other industry, short of high end banking, oil and art dealing could such small margins be sustained. It is mad for resellers, worse for small independents. I cant see how can do it with Apples, short of selling Grey Imports. In some markets this would work, such as over priced Europe. In the Wintel world it would work as manufacturers regularly dump last week models but with Apple they don¹t even do that significantly, just offer special deals before they are about to realise a better model for cheaper. [ make a mental note to dodge those Golden Cupertino Carrots ... ] Even bulk buy wont give that much margin as Apple are closing down on that too. Is it a charity of do they be they make their money re-investing all the deposits / cash they hold like Paypal? A free 2c ... john > Anyways the article talked about Apple's profitablity vs. their revenue. > > Apparently at the best of times they maintain a 35% margin on the highend > G4s. > > That said, there is no way Marbella is going to get the prices they list. > > Ed