[CUBE] 100% Load Wouldn't Go Away

Joseph B. Gurman gurman at gsfc.nasa.gov
Sun Mar 16 05:28:21 PST 2003

>The top that comes with OS-X seems to need these flags to sort by CPU time,
>run it in a Terminal:
>% top -u -s5

     I have a split personality about command line (having used unix 
and other command line OSes since before many of the members of this 
list were born) and GUI interfaces, but For the Rest of whoever 
prefers GUI's, you can of course accomplish the same thing in OS X by 
using the /Applications/Utilities/Process Viewer, and clicking on the 
"%CPU" column heading to find out who the culprits are.

     You can also click on "%Memory" to see who the biggest hogs are there.

						Joe Gurman
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
                                                             - Douglas 
Adams, 1952 - 2001

Joseph B. Gurman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics
Branch, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA

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