[CUBE] Cube Fire

Frank French moutard at mac.com
Wed Mar 26 06:59:09 PST 2003

Complain, long, and firmly, not necessarily loudly but firmly. Ask to
escalate the case, get names of who you're talking to as you work your way
up the ladder. Apple covers their replacement parts with a 90 day warranty
so if the DC board blows up it should be covered but really it's unlikely to

Though also Apple will say it could be the non stock video card and non
stock HDD put too high a load on the DC card. And technically they're
probably correct though we all know the machines normally handle that and
more. Just don't go out of your way to mention the changes you've made...

Now if only Powerlogic had done a redesigned DC board....

Good luck


Look up look way up...

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