One great resource from looking for drives is ... an even better one for a quick look, except that it's starting to get a long in the tooth at 6 months old, is this review article: It rates a number of drives by performance, noise, and heat. Choose accordingly, by what factors are most important to you - but make sure that you pay attention to heat for your cube. Then you can use those as benchmarks to compare with any newer individual drives that might interest you from the first link. Personally, I chose the Seagate ST380021A (aka 80 GB Baracuda IV) for my cubes and the Western Digital drives for my "Wind Tunnel" Powermac G4. And while you're at it, I highly recommend getting an external firewire drive - even a very slow one - for weekly backups. I personally use 3, one for scratch, one for "live" backup, and another for off-site backup, but your own data backup needs might not be as rigorous.