[CUBE] DC/DC card for cube required...

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Fri May 2 07:42:10 PDT 2003

On 5/2/03 10:29 AM, john.guy at btclick.com added a note to the human symphony,
when this was said:

> On 2/5/03 3:26 pm, "Laurie A Duncan" <laurie at cubeowner.com> wrote:
>> On 5/2/03 10:05 AM, erikness at tds.net added a note to the human symphony,
>> when this was said:
>>> At 7:38 PM +0100 5/1/03, John Guy wrote:
>>>> Anyone out there that has a spare one for sale?
>>> Is it really not possible to get spares from Apple, or is the price
>>> simply too prohibitive?
>> It's very easy for any AASP to order one from Apple. They cost about $225 as
>> a "no-swap" part.
>> Laurie
> Thanks Laurie
> That is the first constructive bit of info so far!
> I will advise them as such, you don't happen to know the aprt no do you?

Apple part # 661-2430

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