[CUBE] [OFF] Tivo & Mac --D-Link DWL-810+ wireless bridge

Michael Blossom blossom at megsinet.net
Tue May 6 14:34:22 PDT 2003

Thanks for the info.  I would like to:

1) Download TV schedule info via DSL/internet instead of Tivo's modem 
phone call
2) Extract video from the Tivo to my Cube for archiving/editing
3) Would love to be able to schedule Tivo recordings via the web when 
I'm not at home

I don't care too much about sharing music & photos from a Mac to the 
Tivo -- I have to say that I don't really get why that would be 

- Mike

> Check out the primary web site for all things TIVO - 
> www.tivocommunity.com (actually, you will have to wait until next 
> week, since the website seems to be down for maintenance this week.)
> They will point you to the hacks to get your TIVO networked. You will 
> have to open up your unit to install the ethernet port. Since the 
> TIVO is a linux machine, you will need to be able to do some of the 
> work in Unix, although with OS-X I think that there are now utilities 
> to do so.
> What exactly do you intend to do with the networked TIVO? You can 
> access it over the network to remotely schedule programming, but at 
> this point, only Series 2 TIVOs can see the Apple Rendezvous network 
> to enable music and picture sharing.
> Ben

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