[CUBE] Any key for ejecting external firewire burner?

Lithium coreblue at magicn.com
Sun Nov 2 12:35:46 PST 2003

Unfortunately, all tricks failed.
F12, option-eject, shift-eject and eject.menu extra...
All these tricks just try to eject internal dvd-rom not external 
firewire drive.
But I found a trick. Yes! Terminal can do that.

~ lithium$ drutil tray open

The command opens my external drive tray!!! Of cause, you can "close" 
the tray.
It's not practical. Just for fun ;-)
Can I make this command into a script for one click away?

On Nov 3, 2003, at 1:05 AM, John Labovitz wrote:

> There's a Menu Extra (aka "menulet") that you can put in your menu bar 
> that may provide an eject button.  On my wife's iMac, when you click 
> on the little icon, it says "Eject Superdrive".  The menulet can be 
> found here:
> 	/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Eject.menu
> Just double-click it to put it in your menubar, then try clicking the 
> eject icon.  I'm not sure if it will stay in your menu across 
> restarts; you may have to make it a startup item (in your Accounts 
> prefpane).
> --
> John Labovitz photography
> www.johnlabovitz.com
> johnl at johnlabovitz.com
> +1 503.873.6734
> ----------

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